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Reverse Does Not Exist in Nature or in Us

Reverse Does Not Exist in Nature or in Us

Have you ever considered the idea of the reverse? It's a fascinating concept that does not really exist. Nature, with its perpetual motion and continuous change, presents this perfectly. Nature operates in constant motion and change, and nothing truly goes backward....

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Faith Is Not Watering When The Forecast Calls For Rain

Faith Is Not Watering When The Forecast Calls For Rain

Faith is a concept that often seems abstract, but doesn’t have to be. I love to think in metaphors, and their relativity to life. "Faith is not watering when the forecast is for rain..."  ~ what does it mean to you? How trusting are you these days? Do you trust in the...

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So What Really Is Divine Timing?

So What Really Is Divine Timing?

Timing is a central theme in our journey through life. We hear phrases like "right time" and "wrong time," and we strive to align our actions with what we perceive to be the perfect moment. However, you must have wondered why certain events happen at certain times...

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The Art of Deliberate Creation

The Art of Deliberate Creation

As we find ourselves moving towards the halfway point of the year, it's a Grayt time for reflection and introspection. The year, just like any garden, has been growing, evolving, and revealing itself day by day. As we pause at this midpoint, it's wise to look back at...

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Emotional Trust Falls – Who’s In?

Emotional Trust Falls – Who’s In?

Trust is the bedrock of any relationship, be it personal or professional. The invisible thread binds people together, allowing them to deal with the complexities of life with confidence and security. Just like a trust fall exercise, where one person closes their eyes...

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Sometimes The Answer To Prayers is “Not Yet”

Sometimes The Answer To Prayers is “Not Yet”

The human design is not one that was built around the concept of delayed gratification. I am putting that very mildly. Our ancestors were not applying sunscreen for the health of their future skin, no one was building an empire or even a nest egg for retirement,...

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The Fallacy of Rush Culture

The Fallacy of Rush Culture

Our modern world glorifies "hustle culture," where busyness becomes a badge of honor. We juggle work deadlines, social commitments, and personal errands, constantly feeling pressured to rush from one task to the next. But is there a downside to this relentless pursuit...

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Never Underestimate the Power of a Seed

Never Underestimate the Power of a Seed

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Guess what? The month you plant the seed isn’t when you can eat the fruit either! To add another metaphor, the oak tree is already in the acorn! So what does this all mean for you? We’re 1/4 through our...

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The True Reason to “Go with the Flow”

The True Reason to “Go with the Flow”

"Go with the flow" has become a popular catchphrase, often associated with a carefree, easygoing attitude. However, the true essence of this concept goes far deeper, offering valuable life lessons rooted in nature's wisdom. It's not about passively accepting...

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